Workshops for parents-to-be, mothers and maternal health professionals with a focus on the emotional journey.


Pregnant: Antenatal workshops for parents-to-be

Unique antenatal classes, delivered in Christchurch NZ and online, for expecting mums/birthing people and their partners, focusing on the nuances within the emotional journey of motherhood. We discuss what to expect in the first few days, weeks, and months of life with a newborn to prepare you for the changes and challenges that may arise. You will learn strategies to support yourself during this time, covering topics such as CBT, ACT, emotional regulation, mindfulness, and the importance of self-care.

Mothers: Workshops, education and support groups

These workshops and support groups are uniquely focused on supporting mothers/primary carers to enhance their maternal wellbeing and navigate motherhood. We provide a space for mothers to learn about the concept of matrescence and reflect on their own journey, to enhance their mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. Perfect for those who have been mothers or primary carers for a while, or those still navigating the fourth trimester.

Professionals: Maternal mental health workshops

The challenges mothers will experience are inevitable and essential to acknowledge. Yet, despite research showing a clear link between a lack of support and poor mental health for mothers, adequate support systems are often still not in place. These workshops are for professionals working with mothers in maternal health care to provide a deeper understanding of matrescence to equip you with the skills to provide the best possible support for new parents.

“One of my biggest concerns about becoming a mother was around mental health and “coping”, and I knew that traditional antenatal workshops don’t cover those aspects. I am so grateful that you started this workshop and shared their knowledge and experiences, both from a personal and professional perspective. I honestly feel as though the workshop has equipped me with some invaluable tools to tackle this new journey with confidence!”

- Matrescence workshop attendee


Being prepared for the things discussed in the workshop has allowed me to enjoy new born time.”

- Marissa McDonald
