Webinar: Sensory Processing Patterns and Motherhood


The term “Sensory Overload” is becoming more common when Mothers talk about their parenting experience.

The sounds, smells, changes in routine, and extra demands of Mothering can feel overwhelming for many, and contribute to the daily parenting experience of how we relate to our kids and the world around us. 

Have you ever wanted to go hide in a closet to escape the noise of the household? Do you feel “zoned out” on a regular basis? Or snap at the kids’ clutter around the house? This webinar is for you. Learn common ways that patterns of sensory processing present in the post-partum years, as well as practical strategies to manage sensory overload in daily life. 

What is covered:

  • Understand common patterns of sensory processing 

  • Reduce any shame and guilt felt at experiencing sensory overload

  • Normalise the impact of sensory overwhelm in motherhood

  • Understand the link between the senses and psychological wellbeing

  • Come away with some strategies to manage sensory overload in daily life

When: Wednesday 31st July, 8pm - 9pm
*Watch live, or you have 7 days to view the recording

Cost: $39 or *$108 for full series (7 webinars)


Facilitated by:

Rachel McFedries
Founder & Owner/Operator, Connect Occupational Therapy

As an occupational therapist based in Otautahi, Christchurch, Rachel is on a mission to empower parents to bring thoughtful parenting to real life. Providing both online education and in-person therapy, Rachel’s professional experience in both adult mental health as well as paediatric private practice provides a unique blend of support for tired, tapped-out parents.