What is matrescence?


Matrescence is a development transition a woman goes through as she becomes a mother, and continues throughout her life as a mother.

There are changes that take place across all areas of a birthing person’s life, which we have encapsulated into four domains. The changes are not experienced in isolation to one domain, they are all interrelated. 

Four domains of matrescence:

  • Biological/Physiological/Neurological

  • Emotional/Spiritual/Psychological

  • Societal/Political/Institutional

  • Relationships/Community/Belonging

Examples of some of these changes and challenges include a maternal brain upgrade through neurogenesis, physical changes to a birthing person's body, an identity shift, maternal ambivalence, the support or lack of support from our society, managing the perfect mother myth and the changes that occur to intimate relationships, and with friends, family and work colleagues.  


“Matrescence is a developmental passage where a woman transitions through pre-conception, pregnancy and birth, surrogacy or adoption, to the postnatal period and beyond. The exact length of matrescence is individual, recurs with each child, and may arguably last a lifetime! The scope of the changes encompass multiple domains --bio-psycho-social-political-spiritual-- and can be likened to the developmental push of adolescence.” - Aurélie Athan, Ph.D.


If you would like to learn more about what matrescence is and how to navigate matrescence join our upcoming workshops:

An introduction to matrescence
Navigating matrescence


Three reflections after baby number two


NZ, we are failing our mothers and children.